Thursday, August 16, 2018

Morning Skies

Each morning at work I get to watch the sunrise from where I sit. It's so beautiful getting to see the start of each new day for all of us who still has a purpose to fulfill here on earth. As I sit and watch the sun rising from behind the mountain tops I always wonder if it will light up the morning skies the way it did on the morning Carson passed away.

Each sunrise I've watched from my view at work is so beautiful. But, the way it lit up the morning sky on November 27, 2017 was a different kind of beautiful. The night of Carson's passing, so many of my family members spoke about the morning sky of that day. A lot of them took pictures and even recorded the sky from that morning before even receiving the call of Carson's passing. The bright morning sky was the talk of that dark, cloudy night.

I remember on my way to the hospital that morning and as soon as we reached the point of the mountain (Thanksgiving Point) the sky was so bright and so beautiful. I glanced at the sky and noticed the beauty in it but didn't think anything of it until that night when it was brought up by many of my relatives. Most of them mentioned that they had taken pictures of it only minutes before receiving the phone call that Carson had passed away. We compared each others pictures and videos and those who didn't have time to capture it just described the way it looked to them that morning.

The song, "Sunshine In My Soul" is what comes to my mind when I think of the bright sky from that morning:

"O there's sunshine, blessed sunshine, when the peaceful happy moments roll;
When Jesus shows his smiling face, there is sunshine in my soul."

It was my brothers soul that brightened up the sky that morning as he left this world, and I could picture the sunshine in it as he stepped foot on the other side of the veil. The sunshine that filled his soul when Jesus showed his smiling face along with the familiar smiling faces of our loved ones who were there before him. I've never seen the same sky or anything similar to that morning since then and that's how I know in my heart that Carson painted that morning sky beautifully as his way of saying, "Goodbye" to all of us.

One of my favorite shots of the morning sky on the day that Cars left.
Taken from my cousin Sione in Saratoga Springs just a few minutes from receiving the news of Carson's passing.

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