Saturday, June 11, 2011


I can honestly say that being a MOTHER is one of the most GREATEST blessings of all. I was only 16 when I found out that i was pregnant with my first. Oh the thoughts that were running through my head at that time.. What am I gonna do? How am I gonna do it? What will everyone think? And so on and so forth. To tell you the truth, coming from what I have experienced, age can NEVER define how great of a parent you can be. It didn't matter what everyone thought at the time or what I was gonna do or how I was gonna do it, all that mattered was what I was carrying inside of me. I was so anxious and excited to meet my little angel. I did everything and anything to make that 9th month come sooner. And it did. On September 7th 2008 at exactly 4:00 am, I was blessed with a healthy 7lb, 9oz, 19 inches long baby boy.  It was the most greatest feeling ever. Knowing that time has come where I can FINALLY meet the man of dreams, my son ARIEZ IOELU TOILOLO DAVIDSON. I didn't know how much love my heart could hold until I saw my little bundle of joy. My life as a mother began. :) the thought of having more kids didn't really cross my mind. Ariez was only 4 months old when I found out I was pregnant again. The anxiously waiting period started all over again. I couldn't wait to find out what it was or what was I gonna name her/him. After 5 months of assuming it was a boy, the doctor surprised us by saying, "NOPE! Its a GIRL!!" My thoughts after finding out it was girl? Well, growing up I was known as the "problem child " .. I remember my mom always saying, " the way you are now, your kids are gonna turn out 10worse! ". My moms voice just kept replaying in my head over and over again. I let go of that whole "anxiously waiting" period and told myself, "Ahhh! YOU CAN WAIT!!" Lol! But, that only lasted for a couple of weeks and I was back at telling myself, "OMG! I can't wait!" :) on September 7th 2009 at 9:02 am, Jordyn Sioualofa Davidson entered our lives weighing in at 6lbs, 3ozes and 20 1/2 inches long. After giving birth to her, I looked at my husband, smiled, and said "Here's number 2!!" Lol! After Jordyn was born we told ourselves, "ok! NO MORE!". (wink, wink). I was good with the 2 that I already had and being pregnant for 2 years straight I felt like I needed a break. But unfortunately my so called "break" only lasted for a little while. Ariez was only 1 at the time and Jordyn was about 6 months old when I found out I was pregnant, AGAIN! Lol! And to be honest, I wasn't so excited when I saw that positive sign. My thoughts from when I found out I was pregnant with my first just came rushing through my head again. I really didn't know what I was gonna do, how I was gonna do it and at that point it really did matter what everyone else was thinking. It stayed that way FOREVER. It got to the point where I actually thought about giving it up for adoption. But I'm not gonna break that whole "adoption" part into details because every time I think about it, it just makes me wanna cry. Till this day I still can't believe that I even thought about adoption. This was our choice, and regardless of what the situation was we would have to take responsibility for it. And I'm glad we did. On December 15th 2010 we were blessed with a beautiful angel, Jaelah Niupele Davidson. She was born at 8:56 am and she weighed in at 7lbs, 1oz and was 21 1/2 inches long. I couldn't help but cry when I saw her face. Looking at her just made everything I was going through in that 9 month period WORTH IT! Jaelah is now the baby of our family and will probably still be "the baby" for a while. She is just entering her 6th month and she is the most happiest baby on the face of this earth. She goes to sleep with a smile on her face and wakes up with the exact same smile every morning. Whenever I'm having a bad day all I have to do is look at my little chubby love and she'll turn my day around just by her smile. Ariez is now 2 but will be turning 3 in just a couple of months. I can honestly say that Ariez is just too smart for his age. I feel so stupid sometimes cause this little guy has his ways of outsmarting me. Lol! But I guess that's a good sign for the future. And last but NEVER the least, JORDYN!! Well, well, well.. Jordyn is now 1 but she will be turning 2 in September. She is one heck of a handful. It always has to be JORDYNs way, and if Jordyn doesn't get what she wants, then we won't get what we want.... Some peace and quiet. Lol! Blame her dad for that. She is most definitely a daddy's girl. If she doesn't have her way with mommy, she'll ALWAYS have her way with daddy. UGHH! Lol! But, I can't help it. She does the most weirdest things at such random times. She's our little goof-ball. :) words cannot express how thankful I am for being their mother. I would do anything for my kids. They are my life, my heart and my everything. I try my best to be the mother they need and want me to be. I'm truly blessed to have them in my life and can never picture my life without them. They mean the world to me and more. They make the impossible, possible and I wouldn't trade them for the world. Counting my blessings and counting them twice. Mommy loves you Ariez, Jordyn and Jaelah! 


  1. I loved this post Lo! :) You truly have a way with words! Ariez, Jordyn and Jaelah are lucky to have you in their lives! Keep up the great work! I loved babysitting your chubby girl today....she is such a good baby! :) Love ya!

  2. AaWwHh!! Lo this post was so moving i really like it..You are doing a great job as their mother, don't let anyone tell you any different k:) we love and miss your lil family, give them big hugs and kisses for us k:) love ya!:)
